Afropunk Paris 2019- Photo Recap

Afropunk Paris has come and gone but all the memories and fun that happened over the course of the weekend still lingers. This year was by far my favorite edition of Afropunk. The line up was super dope, I loved the outdoor DJ sets that kept the party going all day long, as well as all of the beautiful people from Paris, other cities in Europe, and beyond.

I could go on in more detail about the weekend, but I prefer to let photos and video speak for themselves. I always love capturing the vibes and people at Afropunk but I was a bit distracted by everything that was going on around me. On the bright side, one of my favorite photographers, Christin Nzobadila-Bela of Cflgroupmedia took some beautiful photos that you can enjoy below. He also helped my friend Hanna and I film a vlog for our Youtube channel- Almost Parisienne.

Enjoy the photos and recap video to relive all the awesome Afropunk Paris vibes.

All photos in this post were shot by @cflgroupmedia

Afropunk Paris Video Bonus: