Long-term Expat: Paris Resources Guide

To all the expats living in Paris long-term, this post is for you. Over the years, I have accumulated so many bookmarked pages, written down direct contact email addresses for French admin, collected business cards, and compiled resources related to setting up roots in Paris on a long term basis... I know it can sometimes be overwhelming to sift through Google search results when you are trying to navigate which which website to reference for visa renewal, finding a doctor in Paris, or simply the best salons to get your hair done. So I decided why not compile some of the useful links I’ve come across into one easy to reference blog post. This list is meant to be ever-evolving and I will be adding to it periodically, so, please don’t hesitate to comment below with your suggestions as well.

French Admin

US Admin Abroad

Work/ Starting a business

Learning French

Renting/ Purchasing an apartment

Health/ Wellness
